prayer list
Prayer is such an important aspect of our faith journey, a direct connnection to God, the root of all that we endeavour to do. It is a child talking with its Father, a friend conversing with a friend, something that is both intimate and interior. Saint Therese of Lisieux stated that, “For me, prayer is an uplifting of the heart, a glance toward heaven, a cry of gratitude and of love in times of sorrow as well as of joy.” (Divine Intimacy, Meditation 146 Prayer).
Below is a listing of selected prayers that we have provided for your immediate reference and convenience:
- 1. The Apostles' Creed
- 2. The Lord's Prayer
- 3. The Hail Mary
- 4. The Glory Be
- 5. The Fatima Prayer
- 6. The Memorare
- 7. Prayer to St. Michael The Archangel
- 8. Prayer to St. Raphael The Archangel
- 9. Prayer to St. Gabriel The Archangel
- 10. Prayer to St. Francis
- 11. The Confiteor
- 12. Act of Contrition
- 13. Litany of The Saints
- 14. Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- 15. Litany of The Most Precious Blood of Jesus
- 16. Kyrie Eleison
- 17. Pope Leo XIII Minor Exorcism Prayer